National Health News

10 years since the deadly Flint water crisis and America’s eroding bridges [Video]

City in contempt

It’s been 10 years since the start of one of the nation’s most shocking public health scandals: the water crisis in Flint, Michigan.

Corroded pipes leached lead into the drinking water and exposed tens of thousands of residents to harmful contamination.

Last spring, Scripps News investigated the progress Flint was making to replace its pipes — and our reporting is now being cited in a federal judge’s order to hold the city of Flint in contempt of court for not finishing the job.

When we went back to Flint recently we found a city still reeling from the crisis.

Bridges in decay

When the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed in Baltimore earlier this year, it offered a chilling reminder of the vulnerability of the nation’s bridges and raised new questions about their safety.

For the past year, Scripps News has been investigating bridges from coast to coast, and discovered many are in need …

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