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Touchstone Energy Scholar of the Week: Henry senior strives for greatness [Video]

National Energy News

HENRY, S.D. (Dakota News Now) – Taylor Watson is a student with a 4.18 GPA at Henry High School who grew up with good role models.

“My parents have definitely a lot, and I have an older sister who I’ve always tried to be like and just follow in her footsteps,” said Taylor.

She is also very active in school, especially in athletics.

“I play a lot of sports, basketball, volleyball, track and I’m also in Student Council, National Honor Society and Fellowship of Christian Athletes,” said Taylor.

“She’s one who strives for greatness, but she’s not big about… she doesn’t need the accolades or recognition. She’s motivated internally. She’s doest need the external rewards,” said social studies teacher Matt Mohr.

Taylor plans to follow her sister to Dordt University in the fall.

“I just love the community at that college. They have a great program for what I want …

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