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‘OJ was framed!’: ‘Dream Team’ lawyer ALAN DERSHOWITZ’s shocking rebuke to those who say Simpson’s acquittal was a miscarriage of justice – and why he still believes the jury made the RIGHT decision [Video]

USA Politics and Government

, updated

If OJ Simpson is standing before the Angel Gabriel today – he may have a challenging case to make if this heavenly judge is as skeptical as most Americans.

But decades ago, in earthly court, he was rightly acquitted.

To the ‘armchair lawyers’ who say the verdict in the so-called ‘Trial of the Century’ was a miscarriage of justice, I simply say: you don’t understand the law.

In the American justice system, guilt is not determined by the subjective morality of the public, but by the objective presentation of evidence and the establishment of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

As a member of OJ’s defense team, I was able to persausively make the case that some of the evidence against him had been fabricated by Los Angeles Police Department officers.

Now, that doesn’t prove that OJ was innocent. But it does illuminate the reasoning behind the jury’s legitimate decision.

Of …

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