Philip Cross on Canada
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Kansas City to see cicada brood emergence: What to know [Video]

State Health News

They crawl, they fly, they’re loud, they crunch (more on this…), and they’re coming soon: Periodical Cicadas. The Kansas City area and a large chunk of the Midwest will soon play host to a brood of Periodical Cicadas – the big ugly bugs that only come out after a long period of years.Specifically, Brood XIX (19) is expected to arrive in late Spring/early Summer.Here’s what you need to know. When is the next cicada emergence?Brood XIX is expected to arrive in May and into June of 2024. The Missouri Department of Conservation says we last saw this brood in 2011, and it’s made up of four species of 13-year cicadas, bugs that pop out of the ground every 13 years. It’s sometimes called the Great Southern Brood since it stretches across 15 states, including much of Missouri, southern Illinois, Arkansas, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. Why are …

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