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Jill Biden hosts teachers of the year at White House dinner [Video]

National Education News

The national and state teachers of the year typically attend a White House ceremony but Jill Biden added a twist by honoring them at a “state dinner” instead.

WASHINGTON — Jill Biden on Thursday paid tribute to her fellow teachers, hosting the 2024 national and state teachers of the year at a swanky White House dinner to honor their commitment to their students and excellence in the classroom.

“Tonight we celebrate you because teaching isn’t just a job, it’s a calling. And all of you were called to this profession for a reason,” said the first lady, who has taught for more than 30 years. “You believe that a better world is possible and you make that world real.”

President Joe Biden made a brief, surprise appearance at the East Room event immediately after he returned from a trip to North Carolina, saying he appreciates everything teachers do.

“You’re incredible,” he said. “You are the …

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