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Biden commemorates Brown v. Board 70th anniversary [Video]

National Education News

WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) – President Biden delivered remarks at the National Museum of African American History to mark 70 years since the Supreme Court Brown v. Board of Education order to desegregate schools.

“Black history is American history,” said Biden.

This comes as the president is scheduled to deliver a speech to Morehouse College graduates.

“HBCUs are vital to our nation’s progress,” he added.

However, the administration anticipates there will be protests.

“I think as long as they’re peaceful protests that don’t disrupt the amazing moment that is for each of those graduates there today. I think we’ll all consider this a success,” said Steve Benjamin of the White House Office of Public Engagement.

Students and alumni have demanded the university cancel the speech over Biden’s handling of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

“He should not be speaking at the alma mater of Doctor Martin Luther King,” said Edward Ahmed Mitchell of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Mitchell is a Morehouse alum and says the president’s visit takes away from the graduates.

“His team …

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