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June 7 is National Gun Violence Awareness Day [Video]

National Crime News USA Economy and Markets

President of the Alabama NAACP shares advice and discusses upcoming events in efforts to reduce gun violence in our communities.

ATHENS, Ala. — Gun violence is a hot button issue in our nation, and it has been for years. June is gun violence awareness month and more specifically June 7 is Gun Violence Awareness Day. Gun Violence Awareness Day is dedicated to remember victims killed, honor survivors, and find ways to end deadly trends. 

According to the New York Division of Criminal Justice Services gun violence is the leading cause of death for African American young men between the ages of 15 – 24 in the United States. FOX54 sat down with Benard Simelton, President of the Alabama NAACP who shares ways to reduce gun violence in our communities. “One of the things is to talk to our children, to talk to our neighbors, to have those hard conversations with them, to know where your children are at, you know, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 at …

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