Delaying C-70 would be a gift to our adversaries / Richard Fadden / MLI in parliament
Delaying C-70 would be a gift to our adversaries / Richard Fadden / MLI in parliament
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Energy company hopes to boost Texas’ fragile power grid [Video]

State Energy News State Politics News

Base Power is led by founders Zach Dell and Justin Lopas to provide distributed battery storage to help homeowners during power outages, while also serving the grid.

AUSTIN, Texas — It’s no secret once extreme weather rolls in, all eyes shift to the Texas power grid – because once temperatures keep rising, so will people’s energy use, which leaves Texans worrying whether or not the grid will fail. 

It’s a lingering thought any time summer or winter temperatures creep in, and why a new company has taken form to challenge the grid’s stability.

Base Power is led by Zach Dell – the son of Dell Technologies founder and CEO Michael Dell – and Justin Lopas. 

The company provides a distributed battery storage to homeowners, which allows them to have a “reliable and affordable” backup source if there is an outage. The battery itself, according to Lopas, allows the grid to be more …

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Not a single Canadian economist who specializes in the Arctic? MLI in Parliament
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