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Mexico deports American citizens who are in country illegally [Video]

State Government News State Politics News

After watching a TikTok, several VERIFY readers asked if Mexico deports American citizens who are in the country illegally. It does happen, but it’s not that common.

People from Mexico make up a large share of the unauthorized immigrant population living in the United States – 39% as of 2021, according to Pew Research Center.

There were 4.1 million unauthorized immigrants from Mexico living in the U.S. that year, though this number was the lowest it had been since the 1990s, Pew said.

But media outlets have reported over the years that many Americans, some of whom are retirees, are also living in Mexico illegally. 

After watching a TikTok video that claims the Mexican government is deporting American citizens who are in the country illegally, VERIFY readers Teresa and Linda reached out to ask if that really happens. 


Does Mexico deport American citizens who are in the country illegally?



Yes, …

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