Will UNDRIP be another broken promise to indigenous Canadians? / Ken Coates / MLI in Parliament
Will UNDRIP be another broken promise to indigenous Canadians? / Ken Coates / MLI in Parliament
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Millions of French vote in snap polls as far right eyes power [Video]

National Energy News

French voters turned out in large numbers on Sunday for the first round of high-stakes snap parliamentary elections which could alter France’s trajectory and see the far-right party of Marine Le Pen take power in a historic first.

President Emmanuel Macron stunned the nation by calling snap polls after the far-right National Rally (RN) party’s strong showing in European Parliament elections this month.

With Russia’s war against Ukraine in its third year and energy and food prices much higher, support for the anti-immigration and eurosceptic party has surged despite Macron’s pledges to prevent its ascent.

The two-round vote could put the far-right in power in France for the first time since the Nazi occupation in World War II.

Presented with a crucial choice about France’s future, many said they could not stay home, while political observers pointed to the highest voter turnout in decades.

In the southern city of Marseille, …

Delaying C-70 would be a gift to our adversaries / Richard Fadden / MLI in parliament
Delaying C-70 would be a gift to our adversaries / Richard Fadden / MLI in parliament
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