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Time to clean house at the Lead Safe Advisory Board to put Cleveland babies first [Video]

USA Politics and Government

Nearly eight months ago, The Plain Dealer and editorial board recommended that, “Cleveland’s faltering lead-safe effort needs a recharge – and radical rethinking” (Nov. 1, 2023). Restructuring the city’s Lead Safe Advisory Board can help with that “radical rethinking.”

Recently, the public learned that the Lead Safe Advisory Board is recommending two things: First, the replacement of board member Sonia Monroy Matis for nonattendance at board meetings, and second, reappointment of two other original board members, Scott Kroehle and Wyonette Cheairs.

The Lead Safe Advisory Board was created to monitor the implementation of Cleveland’s landmark Lead Safe Certificate Program Codified Ordinances 365.07. The most recent Lead Safe Auditor reports have shown ongoing failures to meet expectations.

One bright spot is news that Mayor Justin Bibb has asked community members to apply for appointment to the board, presumably to replace the board member who didn’t show up. Given …

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