National Technology News

AI-generated disinformation will impact the 2024 election [Video]

AI-created images, video, audio and text are already being used to spread disinformation heading into the 2024 election. Here’s what to know and how to spot it.

PORTLAND, Ore. — Most Americans are aware by now that artificial intelligence is here. They may have seen examples of, or even used, a large language model like the one behind ChatGPT or an image generator like Midjourney. But they may not be aware of how rapidly the technology is improving — and the potential it has to disrupt something like the 2024 election campaign season.

The concept of a “deepfake” has been around for some time, but AI tech is rapidly making the creation of that material quicker, easier and cheaper to produce.

It’s perhaps best demonstrated with audio. We used an AI audio generator and fed it a few minutes of The Story’s Pat Dooris speaking. We then typed in a couple sentences of dialogue. …

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