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Author of ‘The Blind Woodsman’ speaking out on mental health [Video]

State Education News State Health News

A blind woodworker has now found peace and a purpose after a near tragedy.

WASHOUGAL, Wash. — A workshop in Washougal serves as John Furniss‘ sanctuary. It is where he finds healing. 

“I am always in my mind,” John said. “I create my world through my imagination.” 

It is the creativity he counts on after almost losing everything he had.

“It’s been quite the incredible journey,” John said. “I started to find woodworking after I was blind.” 

Without sight, he said the steps are different.

“I will take those little bits of design that are already there, and I will transform it in my mind,” Johns said. “I will make the curve a little bit deeper. I will make the bowl a little rounder.”

Woodworking is the craft that gave him a new path, taking him far away from one of his darkest days. 

“When I was 16, I got bottled-up emotions that came to a head, and I decided I didn’t want to be on the earth …

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Wake up, Canada. The world is a dangerous place.
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