Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy in a quickly changing world / Jeff Kucharski / MLI in Parliament
Recognition of Palestinian state about politics, not law: Jack Mintz in the Financial Post

BBB warns of third-party travel sites that promise great deals but end up with big charges WFTV [Video]

USA Economy and Markets

ORLANDO, Fla. — Our sister station WSB-TV looked into travel websites that promise great deals but come with lots of extra charges after you book


Caphenia Smith said she got a confirmation email from third party booking site “Best Ticket Fare” that showed her flight times on American Airlines for her trip to Raleigh for the price she paid — $114.

“I got to the counter and American Airlines had no idea who I was,” Smith told WSB-TV Consumer Investigator Justin Gray.

It was only in the airport when she called Best Ticket Fare for help that she was told she didn’t have a confirmed seat and she’d have to pay more than $200 extra for that. She was flying standby.

“These people have hidden fees. These people do not have any intentions of honoring your ticket. When you pay that low rate, it is the catch. It’s the bait,” …

Human Rights Tribunal has no business policing
Human Rights Tribunal has no business policing 'hate speech': Aaron Wudrick with David Thomas
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