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Boeing, Airbus say planes with titanium parts sold with falsified records are safe [Video]

State Crime News

(The Hill) – Boeing and Airbus emphasized that there are no safety concerns after revealing Friday that some titanium parts used in their aircraft had falsified documentation, triggering a federal investigation.

Boeing did not say which models of aircraft or how many were affected by the titanium parts, but the company emphasized that it does not believe the discovery impacts safety. 

“Our analysis shows the in-service fleet can continue to fly safely,” Boeing said.

Airbus said the parts wound up on its A220 model, a relatively small airliner that is used on shorter routes, but that the model is still airworthy.

“Numerous tests have been performed on parts coming from the same source of supply,” said Airbus, which has its main offices and assembly plant in France. “They show that the A220’s airworthiness remains intact.”

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said it will launch an investigation into how parts without proper …

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