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Carvers of the Hills: Dahls Chainsaw Art [Video]

State Business and Economy News

DEADWOOD, S.D. (KOTA) – Dahl’s Chainsaw Art located in Deadwood sells unique art pieces made of wood.

Owner Jordan Dahl said he always enjoyed art growing up.

“I just never really brought it to this level until I learned you can use a chainsaw to create art,” Jordan Dahl owner of Dahl’s Chainsaw Art said.

Jordan and his brother Jarrett both carve wood using chainsaws and have been in business selling their work for 17 years.

The Dahl brothers originally started carving wood in Alaska and would travel to South Dakota to sell their art pieces.

“Eventually we opened a shop in 2007 in Keystone and started expanding from there,” Dahl continued.

The brothers now have five shops located in the Black Hills.

When choosing what to make Jordan said they base it on a couple of factors.

“We decide what to carve just kind of depends on what sells day-to-day. If an eagle is selling really …

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