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Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay was injured in serious CT bike crash [Video]

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After leaving the hospital, Ramsay revealed his bruised torso on social media Saturday and said his helmet saved his life.

CONNECTICUT, USA — Fiery British celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay showed a different side of himself on Saturday in a video he posted on X after a serious cycling crash in Connecticut earlier this week.

Known for dominating the kitchen with fierce intensity, Ramsay was more subdued in the video as he spoke about the significance of wearing a helmet when cycling. He began the video by expressing his love for cycling, triathlons and Iron Man competitions and said he had a very important message to share.

“This week, unfortunately, I had a really bad accident, and it really shook me. Honestly, I’m lucky to be here,” Ramsay said on X. “Now, from those incredible trauma surgeons, doctors and nurses in the hospital that looked after me this week, they were amazing, but honestly, you’ve got to wear a helmet. …

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