State Business and Economy News

Cicadas are showing signs that theyre preparing to emerge very soon [Video]

CHICAGO (WBBM) – Nature experts in the Midwest are starting to see cicadas preparing for their massive emergence.

There could be more of them than the world has seen in 200 years. Hundreds of trillions of cicadas will start appearing in May and live for about six weeks as part of a dual emergence.

People living in the Midwest and the Southeast will experience the rare event.

This map shows where cicadas will emerge, starting in May. Brood XIII is shown by blue dots, and Brood XIX is shown with red dots.(Cicada Safari)

Tom Tiddens, supervisor of plant healthcare at the Chicago Botanic Garden, said the cicadas are already indicating they’re on their way.

“We’re finding mud caps and some holes coming to the surface and they’re just really prepping, getting ready to come out. They’re not emerging yet, but some of them are preparing their holes and it’s kind of …

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