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Cleveland redistricting must be fair for Black voters: Kayla Griffin [Video]

USA Politics and Government

CLEVELAND — In the ongoing saga of American democracy, one fundamental principle stands tall: every citizen deserves fair representation. In Ohio, politicians continue to frustrate that notion through unfair and unconstitutional policies.

For Cleveland voters, Black voices have been stifled for far too long due to unfair redistricting practices. It is imperative we advocate for redistricting that ensures equitable representation for all, especially the Black community in Cleveland.

The issue at hand is not merely a matter of political strategy; it strikes at the core of democratic values. Redistricting, when done unjustly, undermines the very foundation of our democracy by diluting the power of certain communities to shape their own destinies.

Kayla Griffin is the president for the Cleveland NAACP and has been an organizer in the Black community for more than a decade. She currently serves as the Ohio State Director for All Voting is Local.Kayla Griffin

This injustice has …

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