State Government News

Conservation groups file a federal lawsuit to grant wolves ESA protections [Video]

The group alleges Montana, Wyoming and Idaho all mismanage their wolf populations.

MISSOULA, Mont. — Nearly a dozen conservationist groups filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW) to reinstate wolves under protections granted in the Endangered Species Act.

The state largely eradicated wolves in the early 20th century, according to International Wildlife Coexistence Network (IWCN) Executive Director Suzanne Stone. The federal government reinstated the Idaho wolf population in 1995; the population was removed from the endangered species list in 2015 and returned the ability to manage the population back to the state.

“This isn’t about conservation of wolves. It isn’t about their management. This is about absolutely destroying the wolf population,” Stone said. “They have proven beyond question they are not able to responsibly manage wolves.”

The Idaho Cattle Association (ICA) told KTVB in 2023 wolves threaten and even kill their livestock. For that reason, …

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