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Double Trouble: COLD WAR 2.0 / Balkan Devlen with George Takach
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Doctors on vacation help save shark attack victim [Video]

State Health News

WALTON COUNTY, Fla. (WKRG) — A group of medical professionals vacationing in Florida rushed to help a teen girl who was attacked by a shark on Friday.

The incident happened at Rosemary Beach in Walton County. Two 15-year-old girls were in waist-deep water with some friends when they were attacked, the South Walton Fire District said.

One of the girls suffered serious injuries to her upper leg and hand, while the other girl had only minor foot injuries, according to officials.

Ryan Forbess and Mohammad Ali are both doctors and friends who vacation in the area every summer with their families. They were boogie boarding with their kids when they heard people panicking on the shore, the pair told Nexstar’s WKRG.

“We all started running out of the water,” Forbess said. “I grabbed my son. He grabbed his daughter, and then I looked over to the left as we were getting to the …

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