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DU orders removal of pro-Palestinian protest encampment | News [Video]

State Education News

University of Denver officials told pro-Palestinian activists on Tuesday to clear the encampment they erected by 9 p.m., signaling they’re ready to dismantle the tents if the protesters failed to do so voluntarily. 

The university cited as reasons the “sharp increase” in reports of “discriminatory and harassing behavior from individuals both inside and outside the encampment” and a false report of a shooting on Sunday, which diverted resources away while an academic building was vandalized.  

While they are committed to protecting students’ free speech, these latest incidents “forced an urgent re-evaluation of the encampment as a form of safe free expression,” Chancellor Jeremy Haefner said in a statement. 

“As a result, we’ve lost confidence that the encampment can continue without further compromising operations and safety for all campus members,” he said, adding officials told the protesters they need to dismantle the encampment voluntarily by 9 p.m. on Tuesday.

“We have …

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