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I dont want any of my deputies hurt. Cass County Sheriff changes tactics to stop cars [Video]

State Technology News

HARRISONVILLE, Mo. (KCTV) – The Cass County Sheriff’s Office says they’re seeing major success at stopping car chases with the use of grapplers. This is a device used to stop a car in its tracks.

Over the past week, deputies responded to about four car chases and they say most of them were safely stopped with the use of the latest technology.

“We all recognize inherently that what law enforcement does is dangerous everyday. What we were trying to do is mitigate some of that danger,” Sheriff Jeff Weber said.

With the push of a button, a device comes out of a patrol car, attaching itself to the vehicle in front of it trying to get away and stops it in its tracks. They have seen an 83 percent success rate.

ALSO READ: KCKPD says no active shooter at Providence Medical Center

“You have to weigh what’s the best option here on actually bringing that car to a stop before it got into an area where people …

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