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July starts Huntsville Parks and Rec month celebrations [Video]

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The City of Huntsville will have a month of free family and community events like tie-dye sessions, splash pad parties, glow-in-the-dark festivities.

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — July is Parks and Recreation Month in Huntsville, where people are encouraged to “Find Where You Belong” with different community events. 

“Parks and Recreation Month is a great opportunity to reflect on our continued commitment to quality of life,” said Mayor Tommy Battle. “Having plenty of spaces to play benefits everyone’s physical and mental well-being, and that’s something worth celebrating year-round.”

Recent projects like Kids Space and the Get-A-Way Skate Park are part of new parks and recreation that includes new athletic fields and ongoing renovations at popular sites like Brahan Spring Park and the Huntsville Aquatics Center. Looking forward, plans include the West Huntsville Recreation Center and a new facility near John Hunt Park, alongside additions at the Huntsville Tennis Center and Stoner Park.

To celebrate, Huntsville Parks & Recreation is hosting a …

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