Foreign interference is an existential threat to Canada: Christian Leuprecht / MLI in Parliament
Foreign interference is an existential threat to Canada: Christian Leuprecht / MLI in Parliament
The world needs to win in Ukraine: Chris Alexander in the Globe and Mail

Missouri womans murder conviction tossed after 43 years. Her lawyers say a police officer did it | KLRT [Video]

State Health News

A judge has overturned the conviction of a Missouri woman who was a psychiatric patient when she incriminated herself in a 1980 killing that her attorneys argue was actually committed by a now-discredited police officer.

Judge Ryan Horsman ruled late Friday that Sandra Hemme, who has spent 43 years behind bars, had established evidence of actual innocence and must be freed within 30 days unless prosecutors retry her. He said her trial counsel was ineffective and prosecutors failed to disclose evidence that would have helped her.

Her attorneys say this is the longest time a women has been been incarcerated for a wrongful conviction. They filed a motion seeking her immediate release.

“We are grateful to the Court for acknowledging the grave injustice Ms. Hemme has endured for more than four decades,” her attorneys said in a statement, promising to keep up their efforts to dismiss the charges and reunite …

30% of Canadians face difficulties in navigating our healthcare system / MLI in Parliament
30% of Canadians face difficulties in navigating our healthcare system / MLI in Parliament
The next PM must remind Canada’s public servants who really runs the show: David Mulroney in the Hub