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OpenAI says AI is safe enough as scandals raise concerns [Video]

State Technology News

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman defended his company’s AI technology as safe for widespread use, as concerns mount over potential risks and lack of proper safeguards for ChatGPT-style AI systems.

Altman’s remarks came at a Microsoft event in Seattle, where he spoke to developers just as a new controversy erupted over an OpenAI AI voice that closely resembled that of the actress Scarlett Johansson.

The CEO, who rose to global prominence after OpenAI released ChatGPT in 2022, is also grappling with questions about the safety of the company’s AI following the departure of the team responsible for mitigating long-term AI risks.

“My biggest piece of advice is this is a special time and take advantage of it,” Altman told the audience of developers seeking to build new products using OpenAI’s technology.

“This is not the time to delay what you’re planning to do or wait for the next thing,” he added.

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