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Pixar gets even more emotional in sequel to 2015 smash [Video]

USA Environment and Climate

Not many teens want to talk about anxiety, these days.

Can you blame them?

It is, after all, a red-alert, all-hands-on-deck emotion that seems determined to yank control from all of us. And that’s especially true for a younger generation that’s expected to someday take the reins of the world, having already experienced a worldwide pandemic. global warming, social media pressures and more.

But Pixar is here to help.

The Emeryville studio’s new film “Inside Out 2” extends a compassionate hand to young and old alike with a warm-hearted but sophisticated message about how to deal with anxiety, not to mention the galaxy of other emotions that threaten to run away with our lives.

“Inside Out 2,” of course, is the follow-up to the 2015 box-office smash(a global cha-ching of nearly $859 million) that focused on personified emotions wrestling for control of the mind of a young girl, Riley. The sequel serves up — you guessed it …

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