"Can the UN get much worse?" Hillel Neuer and Casey Babb / Inside Policy Talks
"Can the UN get much worse?" Hillel Neuer and Casey Babb / Inside Policy Talks
Playing a risky 21st-century game of ‘Russian roulette’: Stephen Nagy in the Japan Times

Potential HSR City Pairs, Ranked Seattle Transit Blog [Video]

National Government News

I like how Ray (CityNerd) remembers to take into account access time at the ends in his analyses. Of course, air travel requires arriving early and time to get off the train after it pulls into the gate but we often ignore that end in discussions.

Too often, we don’t think about access time when we talk about other “transit” trips too. In particular, ST forecasts ridership with seemingly no regard if it takes 30 seconds or five minutes to transfer or to reach the platform or the street. Yet there is a tendency to obsess about a trip taking an extra four minutes riding or waiting up to 10 minutes for a train rather than eight.

In my favorite example, transferring at CID-N/ Pioneer Square will require at least five minutes where staying in the DSTT is only about a minute (less if ST would ever look into adding …

Russia and China, partners in the Arctic? / Double Trouble: Balkan Devlen with Alex Dalziel
Russia and China, partners in the Arctic? / Double Trouble: Balkan Devlen with Alex Dalziel
The world needs to win in Ukraine: Chris Alexander in the Globe and Mail