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San Antonio man bullied for writing poems becomes teacher and publishes book decades later [Video]

State Technology News USA Military News

Readers can purchase the poetry book on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble.

SAN ANTONIO — A San Antonio teacher published his first book 30 years after he abruptly stopped writing due to discouragement and bullying. 

Victor Huron is an IT Technology Applications teacher at the Harmony School of Excellence but he’s also a talented poet though it’s not something he brags about. 

Huron began writing when he was a young adult in his 20s. He said he would hear a song or see something out in the world and the words would immediately flow into his mind.

In 1997 he regretfully stopped writing after he received what he calls “bad advice.” Huron grew up in the Edgewood Independent School District and admitted he showed the wrong people his poems.

“It was frowned upon for a male to be writing so I destroyed them,” Huron said.

Huron said he usually doesn’t let stuff bother him but for some reason those words …

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