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Southeast Texas plants impacted by new EPA rule [Video]

Dr. Vinki Uddameri, a civil engineering professor at Lamar University, says these chemicals are used to make products like plastic and gasoline.

More than 100 plants across the country will be impacted and 17 of those are located in Southeast Texas.

Dr. Vinki Uddameri, a civil engineering professor at Lamar University, says these chemicals are used to make products like plastic and gasoline.

Dr. Uddameri tells 12News this new rule means it will cost companies more money to produce products because of the tighter restrictions. But less pollution could save lives in the long run, he says.

“These chemicals are ethylene oxide, chloroprene, benzene,1-3 butadiene, ethylene dichloride, and vinyl chloride,” Dr. Uddameri said.

These six chemicals could cause cancer in people living in Southeast Texas, according to Dr. Uddameri.

“We have a lot of petrochemical refining plants so you would probably see things like benzene,” he said.

Dr. Uddameri says …

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