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Teens could lose bank accounts and driving licences for snubbing national service, Rishi Sunak says [Video]

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Rishi Sunak has said he could take drivers’ licences and bank accounts off 18-year-olds if they refuse to take part in his mandatory national service.

The prime minister has so far failed to say how he will force young people to participate in the scheme, which would see them volunteer with community groups or join the armed forces.

And, pressed by BBC Question Time presenter Fiona Bruce, Mr Sunak suggested the government will consider stopping young people having access to finance or drivers’ licences.

Rishi Sunak suggested 18-year-olds could lose their driving licences or bank accounts (BBC)

The PM said there are “all sorts of things” countries across Europe do to ensure young people take part in mandatory national service.

“Whether that is looking at driving licences, or their access to finance or all sorts of other things, that’s …

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