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‘TRASH!’ Trump Rages At Fox News Poll With Biden Taking Lead [Video]

USA Politics and Government

Former President Donald Trump raged at Fox News over a poll showing President Joe Biden retaking the lead and “protecting democracy” at the top of the list of issues for voters.

News broke Wednesday evening that Biden retook the lead in the Fox News poll for the first time since October of 2023 — and gained seven points on Trump since late March and three points since May — with 50 percent to Trump’s 48 percent nationally. The top issue for voters in the poll was the “future of American democracy.”

On Thursday, Trump lashed out at Fox News over the poll on his Truth Social account. In a pair of posts, Trump wrote:

The latest Fox News poll is TRASH! They used a biased, Democrat-leaning sample of voters, polling more Biden 2020 voters than Trump 2020 voters to skew the results in favor of Crooked Joe. I am leading BIG in virtually every other poll, including in all of the …

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