National Technology News

US imposes sanctions on leaders of Russias AO Kaspersky Lab | Technology News [Video]

The United States has slapped sanctions on 12 people in senior leadership roles at Russia’s AO Kaspersky Lab, citing cybersecurity risks, a day after it announced plans to bar the sale of the company’s antivirus software over “national security concerns”.

The sanctions imposed on Friday target its most senior leaders, including Kaspersky’s long-serving chief operating officer, Andrei Tikhonov, and chief legal officer, Igor Chekunov, the US Department of the Treasury said.

“Today’s action against the leadership of Kaspersky Lab underscores our commitment to ensure the integrity of our cyber domain and to protect our citizens against malicious cyber threats,” Treasury Undersecretary Brian Nelson said in a statement.

The sanctions prohibit American companies or citizens from trading or conducting financial transactions with the sanctioned executives, and they freeze the executives’ assets held in the United States.

AO Kaspersky is one of two Russian units of Kaspersky Lab, which was placed on …

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