State Politics News

Voters decide special election, party nominees in Colorado’s 4th District [Video]

DOUGLAS COUNTY, Colo. — Voters in Colorado’s Fourth Congressional District made some big decisions Tuesday night, setting the stage for the politics that will play out for the rest of the year.

Former Parker mayor Greg Lopez will soon be spending a lot of time in the nation’s capital.

Lopez won the special election to serve out the remaining term of former Congressman Ken Buck.

“I’m feeling good,” said Lopez. “I’m excited about going to Washington. I’m excited about the opportunity.”

Lopez will serve until January 3, when the person voters elect in November will take office and replace him.

Even though his stay will be short, Lopez could play a critical role.

Republicans control the U.S. House of Representatives by a narrow margin, so his vote may help move the party’s agenda.

He could also play a role in passing other important legislation.

“I am looking at what does …

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