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A new grant is expanding a space program at Watson Junior High School [Video]

State Education News

COLORADO SPRINGS — A new grant is expanding a space program at Watson Junior High School In Colorado Springs. The Space Foundation received a $50,000 grant to help fund their Cadet Space Explorer Program.

On Friday, sixth graders at Watson Junior High School made and experimented with straw rockets. Tim Eberwein, a career and technical education teacher, is in charge of the Cadet Space Explorer Program.

“They’re going to record the distance and take any notes on it and I want them to do a couple of trials and they can set the angle and pressure of their launch to anything they want for the first couple of trials,” Eberwein said.

The students tested what angle would the rockets launch the furthest.

“They need to evaluate what happened in their trials, they need to modify it somehow and then re-test,” Eberwein said.

This activity is a part of The Space Foundation’s Cadet Space Explorer Program.

“So this program involves a lot of technology, …

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