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After U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellars indictment, why arent Republicans trying to flip his district? [Video]

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WASHINGTON — Republicans eager to flip Democratic districts in South Texas are capitalizing on U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar’s indictment — just not in his district.

National Republican fundraisers and strategists, who invested heavily in unseating the Laredo Democrat last election cycle, are showing no signs yet that they are planning to take advantage of Cuellar’s fresh legal drama to make another run for the seat this year. Locally, the congressman’s arrest sent a burst of energy into the sleepy GOP primary runoff in the district, with candidates pouncing on the allegations. But their enthusiasm has not yet been matched with a promise of outside investment. The leading Republican candidate in the race said no one from House Republican leadership has reached out to him.

Instead, Republicans are loudly tying Cuellar’s allegations of bribery and corruption to other competitive races in South …

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