Douglas Murray and Brian Lee Crowley: In Defence of Western Civilization
Douglas Murray and Brian Lee Crowley: In Defence of Western Civilization
Jewish professor horrified by anti-Semitism on university campuses: Casey Babb in the Toronto Sun

Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency director speaks at AFCLC seminar [Video]

State Education News
Air University in Montgomery welcomed a very special guest to speak at the AFCLC seminar

National Crime Victims’ Rights Week continues Friday with a special event being hosted by Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall.

National Crime Victims’ Rights Week continues Friday with a special event being hosted by Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall.

A very talented 9-year-old stopped by the WSFA studio yesterday

Roll Modellls held a roller skating fundraiser at Eastdale Mall.

The highest and lowest restaurant inspection scores of the week.

Bullock County Hospital is changing its focus to better meet the needs of the community.

Facing the Sino-Russian axis / Double Trouble: Balkan Devlen and Jonathan Berkshire Miller
Facing the Sino-Russian axis / Double Trouble: Balkan Devlen and Jonathan Berkshire Miller
If journalism can’t aspire to report news without fear or favour, it will – and should – die: Peter Menzies for Inside Policy