USA Environment and Climate

Earth Day 2024: 60 Minutes revisits climate change reporting archive [Video]

To mark Earth Day, 60 Minutes looked back at some of the climate change stories we have reported over the years.

Last year, 60 Minutes reported that scientists were sounding an alarm that we were living in the midst of the sixth mass extinction. American biologist Paul Ehrlich told Scott Pelley that humans would need “five more Earths” to maintain our current way of life.

60 Minutes climate archive: Global Warning 13:33

In 2006, Scott Pelley and a 60 Minutes team traveled to the Arctic to speak with scientists, including leading authority on climate change Robert Corell and glaciologist Carl Boggild, to unearth and explain the effects that man is having on the world’s climate. 

Rising seas, powerful hurricanes and the eventual extinction of polar bears are a few of the major consequences these scientists warned the world about on 60 Minutes over 15 years ago.

60 Minutes climate archive: The Age of Megafires 11:35

In 2007, 60 Minutes reported on a new consequence of …

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