The Role of Clean Fuels in an Energy Transition
The Role of Clean Fuels in an Energy Transition
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Easter: A bounty of tradition and harvest [Video]

State Agriculture News

No holiday better embodies the spirit of a farmer’s life more than Easter. It is a time of renewal, preparation, hard work, and unwavering faith—values that our agriculture families live by each day. Behind every Easter tradition, from the bounty on our tables to the eggs being hunted, to the Easter clothes on our backs, lies the legacy of agriculture.

In just about every cherished Easter tradition, you are likely to find agriculture. From dyeing Easter eggs with your little ones to savoring the flavors of lamb or ham at your holiday feasts, each element is a testament to the unwavering dedication of our farmers and ranchers. Those spring vegetables on your plate are the reward of labor and tender care in the fields. These aren’t just meals, but traditions with deep meaning. They connect us with the story of Easter itself, from eggs that represent the rolling away of …

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