Double Trouble: Goodbye globalization? Balkan Devlen with Elisabeth Braw
Double Trouble: Goodbye globalization? Balkan Devlen with Elisabeth Braw
Brace yourselves, Canadian media. The CRTC could be coming to ‘help’: Peter Menzies in the Hub

Firefighters rescue 17 ducklings from a storm drain [Video]

State Business and Economy News

Firefighters at the Goodlettsville Fire Department near Nashville, Tennessee, have become unexpected caregivers for more than a dozen ducklings they rescued from a storm drain.”People joke about firemen getting cats out of trees. I’ve personally been on calls where we’ve gotten horses out of ponds,” said Capt. Ryan Stone of the Goodlettsville Fire Department.”We do 24 hour shifts. We are on for 24 hours, off for 48,” Stone added.The rescue operation began when a concerned citizen rang the bell at the fire station. “I saw there was a sign to ring the bell, so I rung the doorbell,” said Megan Dorse, the concerned citizen.”Shortly after breakfast, we had a concerned citizen come to the front door of the station and ring the bell,” Stone recalled.The firefighters then discovered the ducklings. “We searched all around and never could find the mother duck. We couldn’t just responsibly leave them out in the …

Philip Cross on Canada
Philip Cross on Canada's productivity crisis / MLI in Parliament
I am a former immigration minister. Unsustainable population increases won’t solve Canada’s underlying issues: Chris Alexander in the Hub