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Former U.S. Attorney Jay Town reacts to DEAs move to reclassify marijuana [Video]

State Government News

NORTH ALABAMA (WHNT) — The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is poised to make a landmark change to the federal government’s position on marijuana. According to the agency’s proposal, marijuana would no longer be considered among the most dangerous and addictive substances.

Today, marijuana is easier than ever to obtain and has become an industry worth billions of dollars in the United States. Recognizing this, the DEA has moved to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug.

US drug control agency will move to reclassify marijuana: AP sources

“There are basically five schedules under the Controlled Substance Act,” Former U.S. Attorney, Northern District of Alabama Jay Town said. “Think of it as sort of a range one through five…five being the least addictive and one being the most addictive.”

Marijuana currently resides as a Schedule I controlled substance – it’s in the same tier as heroin.

Under the DEA’s proposal, …

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