"Can the UN get much worse?" Hillel Neuer and Casey Babb / Inside Policy Talks
"Can the UN get much worse?" Hillel Neuer and Casey Babb / Inside Policy Talks
Canada’s resource sector is being stifled by poorly designed regulations: Jack Mintz and Philip Cross in the Globe and Mail

High impact bills questionable as finish line approaches for legislators [Video]

State Politics News

ST. PAUL, Minn. (FOX 9)The finish line is in sight at the Minnesota Capitol, but some very impactful bills may not get there.

Democrats are finding roadblocks in the last stretch, as Republicans showed Monday that they can control how much gets done between now and Sunday, even though they’re the minority party.

House Democrats had a plan for Monday, but as the Scottish poet Robert Burns said, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”

They had to make new plans on Tuesday.

At the top of the DFL agenda to start the week was passing a bill sending an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to Minnesota voters.

“Today we are going to make history,” said House Majority Leader Jamie Long, (DFL-Minneapolis).

Spoiler alert: They did not.

With at least five bills on the calendar Monday, Republicans filibustered the day away.

“In 1776, Adam Smith wrote a book,” said Rep. Marj Fogelman, (R-Fulda), in between repeated references to …

Hon Tony Abbott in conversation with Brian Lee Crowley / MLI
Hon Tony Abbott in conversation with Brian Lee Crowley / MLI
More turmoil at Statistics Canada: Philip Cross in the Financial Post