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Higley Unified cancels contract for new superintendent [Video]

National Health News State Education News

Nate Carman had been selected as the new superintendent a couple of months ago. But Higley Unified has just rescinded its contract with Carman.

GILBERT, Ariz. — The Higley Unified School District Governing Board voted Wednesday to rescind the employment of its new superintendent. 

Nate Carman had been announced earlier this year as the district’s pick to fill the superintendent slot and the board approved a contract with Carman back in February. 

But now the board has decided to rescind Carman’s contract and offer the leadership position to someone else.

In a statement, the Higley school board president said applicants for the superintendent position were asked to disclose ongoing issues of possible misconduct and Carman allegedly failed to disclose certain facts that would have affected the board’s hiring decision.

The action follows an issue that recently arose with the west Texas school district Carman had been the superintendent for before he was …

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