State Politics News

Hillary Clinton attends IGP Women’s Initiative in support of improved child care services in NYC [Video]

NEW YORK CITY (WABC) — The call for expanded child care services across New York City is getting support from one of the biggest names politics has to offer in Hillary Clinton.

For the first time ever, a majority of New York City Council members are women and they’re using their platforms to improve child care options in New York City.

The move has garnered support from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who spoke at the Institute of Global Politics’ Women’s Initiative at Columbia University on Tuesday.

“We’re seeing here in New York the possibility that what was promised as universal Pre-K is being cut back and I know the City Council will be not just talking about that today, but also fighting to keep that,” she said.

The goal of the initiative is to generate solutions and make child care more affordable and easily accessible.

“We know that child care, on average, costs …

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