Philip Cross on Canada
Philip Cross on Canada's productivity crisis / MLI in Parliament
Provincial trade barriers block Canada’s trucking industry

How NPR went Off the Rails knee-jerk liberalismaccording current top editor [Video]

State Politics News

I grew up thinking of journalism as a dogged, flawed, yet unmistakable search for the truth.

That may have been wrong, but at least people could (mostly) agree that the media provided a common set of core facts.

The increasingly bitter and outrageous polarization in our politics and society brings unrelenting meanness to the discourse, each side demonizing the other as evil. 

The growing embrace of conspiracy theories, no matter how ludicrous, poisons the dialogue.

People on all sides have sorted themselves into silos, seeking out only media outlets and commentators who reinforce what they already believe.It’s an ugly picture, no question about it.

And then there’s Donald Trump.

He didn’t create the politics of division, but is a master practitioner. Trump told me he sometimes uses incendiary language to drive media coverage of his issues. So he creates some of his own bad press.

But look at what’s happened to my business. In 2015 and 2016, the press opposed …

Russian information and influence campaigns in CANADA / Marcus Kolga / MLI in Parliament
Russian information and influence campaigns in CANADA / Marcus Kolga / MLI in Parliament
We’re falling further behind China in critical minerals: Heather Exner-Pirot in the Financial Post