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IEC to meet with other international reps following US meeting – SABC News [Video]

USA Politics and Government

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The IEC will in the coming days meet with other representatives of countries and the Heads of the Observation missions of the elections in South Africa.

The United States of America will not interfere with the electoral process in South Africa. This is what the US Ambassador, Reuben Brigety, told the SABC in an exclusive interview.

However, a picture of Brigety with IEC officials posted on social media after their meeting has raised eyebrows.

Elections 2024 | ‘US won’t interfere in SA elections’: Reuben BrigetyDr Philani Mthembu of the Institute for Global Dialogue says this should not be an issue.

“If you want to essentially call the integrity of the IEC to question, then I am afraid that says more about political parties raising those issues than it says about the IEC itself. It says more about political parties trying to score, perhaps very quick gains, among some of …

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