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Joe Scarborough Shocked Trump’s Cocaine Lie Ignored By Press [Video]

USA Politics and Government

A day after former President Donald Trump issued his latest statement about abortion, MSNBC’s Morning Joe fact-checked the lies and misinformation. And co-host Joe Scarborough was astounded at how the press just glosses over Trump’s lies, citing an especially egregious one regarding President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address.

After dismantling the various lies in Trump’s abortion statement on Tuesday, Scarborough then turned his ire to the press, claiming that they’re so concerned with treating Trump like a “normal candidate” that his lies go unchecked:

But Donald Trump lies, lies. You know, I saw something, I think it was Dan Pfeiffer, [he] was talking about the fact that Donald Trump last week said that that Joe Biden snorted cocaine before the State of the Union address. Now, that would have been on the front page of The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, every other newspaper in America if he had, …

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