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Joe Walsh Gives Blunt Assessment of Former Political Self [Video]

USA Politics and Government

Former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh described his former Tea Party congressman self as a “divisive political asshole” during Tuesday’s Deadline: White House on MSNBC.

Walsh appeared on the program with Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter was killed in the 2018 Parkland school shooting. The pair were promoting their Two Dads Defending Democracy tour.

“Joe and I, years ago when I was on your show, Joe and I would go at it,” Guttenberg reminded Wallace. “We did not care for each other. We didn’t trust one another. And then one day, he reached out and we became friends. We met and we started talking and we realized we have an awful lot in common. We have a lot we don’t agree on, and we have a lot we don’t have in common. But we both love this country, we both democracy, and we are both going to fight for it.”

Wallace became emotional and referenced Judge Esther Salas, …

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