Unpacking Canada
Unpacking Canada's announcements at the NATO Summit / Double Trouble
Canada must expel Russian diplomats, declare Russia a terrorist state: Stanley Kutcher and Marcus Kolga in the Hill Times

Landmine Living – AllOnGeorgia [Video]

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Fear is a funny thing. Did you know that more people fear what might happen more than what is certain to happen? Fear over the unknown affects mental health in millions of individuals every day. Because of this contrived fear, we have a tendency to tiptoe around playing it safe to avoid potential negative outcomes.

Have you opted out of vacations for fear of not coming home? Have you ever declined invitations for fear of what someone might say to you or about you? Have you been given a chance to do something fun, but decided you would sit it out instead of taking a chance of getting hurt? This is what I call landmine living. Maneuvering your life around what could be lurking under the surface for fear it could explode at any moment…that is landmine living.

The hard truth is no matter how strategically you tiptoe through life, …

A small ally fights back against China and Russia’s threat to energy security / Jüri Seilenthal
A small ally fights back against China and Russia’s threat to energy security / Jüri Seilenthal
Legal activists put the ‘notwithstanding clause’ at risk: Stéphane Sérafin in the National Post