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Match Group CEO Bernard Kim on romance scams: “Things happen in life” [Video]

State Business and Economy News

Scammers are a big challenge for dating apps

Dating apps increasingly becoming “hunting grounds” for scammers 07:23

The CEO of the nation’s largest online dating company told CBS News that his company cares deeply about protecting its customers, though his response for those who have lost their life savings to overseas romance scammers, was more nuanced: “Things happen in life.”

“Look, I mean, things happen in life,” said Bernard Kim, the CEO of Match Group, when asked how he would address his customers who had been scammed. “That’s really difficult. I have a tremendous amount of empathy for things that happen, but I mean, our job is to keep people safe on our platforms; that is top foremost, most important thing to us.”

Kim spoke in response to questions stemming from a yearlong CBS News investigationinto the widening threat posed by overseas-based criminals who managed to steal more than $1 billion last year from victims they have wooed into online romances. The investigation is the …

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